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2016 in a Nutshell...

What a crazy year it's been!

In 2016 I boarded 22 flights, went on 7 overseas trips to 6 different countries, had a few additional domestic adventures, and made some unforgettable memories: swimming in the middle of a humpback whale heat run in Tonga, researching reef sharks in remote pristine reefs of New Caledonia, leading conservation dive expeditions to remote Myammar, working with the BBC, diving with blue sharks and filming a documentary during the Sardine Run in South Africa... It's going to be hard to beat that in 2017! 😊

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support! I don't post often enough to share all the details about my work but I hope those of you who have met me in person or travelled with me will bear witness to my passion for the ocean and protecting its endangered giants... Trough my images I simply try to share this passion with you, but there is more work to do in 2017! 😉

Best wishes!


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